The second National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee of Canada (NMCLC) meeting for the year 2022 was held on Wednesday, March 23.
The members engaged in a learning together session addressing the topic: “”Working together on the journey to right relations.” The Committee learned about the Indigenous Spirit Garden, also known as the Indian Residential School Survivors (IRSS) Restoration of Identity Project, that is being planned on Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto to honour residential school survivors and all the children who were lost to their families and communities. Conceived by the Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre to further reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, the project responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action #82. Andrea Chrisjohn and David Sherry of Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre and Rev. Brian McIntosh of Bloordale United Church offered presentations to the Committee.
Founded in the 1980s, the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee of Canada is a forum for respectful dialogue on themes of common interest and for the exchange of faith-related concerns and areas of sensitivity between Muslims and Christians, through official representatives of both faiths. We seek to build long-lasting friendships and cooperation between Christians and Muslims, and to work toward a society based on values of compassion, respect and collaboration.