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Join us for our annual National Muslim Christian Liaison Online Event as we celebrate
“Extending Our Embrace” with the World Interfaith Harmony Week:

Race & Religion: Cultivating Anti-Racist Faith Communities
– Participate in an engaging discussion on race, faith and fostering truly inclusive, anti-racist worship, spaces and faith communities.
How do we overcome Racism as people of faith?

MC for the Event:
Rev. Daniel Cho
Presbyterian Church in Canada

Moderated by:
Most Rev. Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop – Roman Catholic Diocese of Antigonish

Imam Michael Taylor
Regional Chaplain – Ontario , Correctional Service Canada
Sarah Guinta
Coordinator – Office of Justice and Peace, Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton
Ms. Zarfishan Qureshi
Chaplaincy Intern – Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Toronto

Register at: https://raceandreligion.eventbrite.ca

For further information, please contact nmclccanada@gmail.com

* Zoom meeting coordinates will only be emailed to those who have registered for this event. *

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