What We Do

  • Members Meetings
    • Official representatives of both faiths – generally national or regional organizations or denominational bodies –  meet 5 times a year for respectful dialogue on themes of common interest and for the exchange of faith-related concerns and areas of sensitivity between Muslims and Christians. Members seek to build long-lasting friendships and cooperation between Christians and Muslims, and to work toward a society based on values of compassion, respect and collaboration.
  • Learning Together
    • Regular meetings include a ‘Learning Together’ forum for education and discussion on issues of concern to both our communities. Recently these have included responses to poverty; projects on violence against women; how our communities navigate race and religion, and respond to racism in Canada; climate action and the role of faith communities; and learning about interfaith initiatives such as Interfaith Harmony Week and the Parliament of World Religions.
  • Annual Dinner
    • NMCLC sponsors an annual event, often in cooperation with other faith organizations and the Multifaith Centre at the University of Toronto, which is an opportunity to reach out to the wider community with a message of interfaith respect and collaboration.
  • Statements
    • Official statements are issued on major national and international events that affect faith communities and the world community. Recent statements include responses to the Quebec City Mosque shooting, the Christchurch mass shootings, the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, the fatal van attack in Toronto and the attacks on Muslim women in Edmonton. See the ‘Documents and Resources’ section.
  • Partnerships
    • NMCLC occasionally partners with faith organizations and interfaith groups for forums and panel discussions.
  • Communications
    • NMCLC maintains active communications with member organizations and other interfaith/multi-faith groups in Canada as well as an active social media presence. Articles and news reports are regularly posted in the ‘News’ section.
  • Consultations
    • NMCLC consults with governments and civil society groups on issues of interest to faith communities and all Canadians.